What to do When He Wants to be Just Friends with Benefits
Ever meet someone who you admire and then they tell you they want to be just friends with benefits?
FWB, friends with benefits, this society's way of viewing relationships. Is this due to not wanting to reach too close to the surface level or because of the ease it brings to busy lifestyles? Either way, when the person you want to create a more meaningful relationship wants to be FWB it can put a downfall on how you are feeling. The question occurs, "what do I do now?". Do you fall into his game or stand your ground? Or do you create your own game?

What to do next to win over the one who wants to be FWB.
When you first hear those words you are going to feel vulnerable. Wearing your heart on your sleeve can be dangerous. However, do not show the person that side of hurt. Instead, smile and nod. Also remember, you are the prize, they are not.
A few days will pass, they will message you to come over. Don't reply for at least a day and tell them that you've been busy but will let them know when you are free. That night go out and get a sexy picture of yourself to post on Instagram or Twitter. This reminds the person that you are not one to sit around and wait. I guarantee they will like or favorite the picture.
In the next few days following expect a text. However, do not allow yourself to want the text. You can pretend you don't need the person and are doing better than they are but you also need to believe it. Because you do not need this person and you are better. You are worth more love than you could know, so shine that into yourself. The one wanting to be just FWB will notice and begin to regret their decision.
How to accept the situation and make yourself priority.
Once you receive the text, still do not jump to reply. You are probably missing this person quite a bit at this point but you must keep your composure. You also must remember that you are the one who now is on top, they are not. Being on top of the game is the most fun part.
The next day you can agree to go see them. When you arrive act very astray while still being your fun flirty self. Once things start to heat up tell the person you forgot about a prior plan and leave quickly. Leaving them in a state of curiosity as to what could be more important than themselves.
This person will either continue to text you and ask to see you or they will drift away. If they drift away then be grateful. You are worth a fight and if they do not appreciate that it is not worth your time. I promise, your time is valuable. If the person continues to text you there is more than likely something deeper that they feel for you than they were willing to admit before. Still, act aloof, but you can begin seeing them more. Just do not reply on the same day for another few weeks.